Sunday, July 24, 2011

Welcome To Survival Goddess!

Glad you made it to my blog! Pull up a chair with have a cup of coffee and enjoy. I want to make this a resource of practical information for women to learn survival preparedness.

This is a NO FLUFF zone. 

Being a regular on the survival message boards I know many women are intimidated and hesitate to ask questions or worse yet they have the mindset of "My man will take care of the weapons, security, and hunting".

What happens if your man is injured, or killed?

You have to have the same skills of your man and be equally good with them to ensure your own survival.

Knowledge is the key to survival and so I welcome guest bloggers ( female or male) to share their experience and knowledge. 


  1. Hi my name is Brian Stone and I am casting for a show called Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel. Would you be interested in participating. Shoot me an email at

  2. True true... If not better than him. Females generally lack the size and strength of men. I dont mean it as a dig against the fairer sex, it is the simple truth generally speaking. I believe that a woman thats serious needs to know more than her man IN CASE she needs to go without him. Guys can often brute through things on strength alone where women may not be able to.

    Lifting food into the trees away from animals, Dragging out a freshly harvested pair of deer...
    Intelligence and skills to build a drag sled out of brush can compensate for physical differences. Then there are the more violent possibilities of defending ones self from animals... or a group of men.

    I love your blogs... keep it up. Glad I stumbled upon them. Check mine out at:
